What is hemisphere ?

Hemisphere serves as a platform for your wellbeing. It’s primary focus is therapeutic however at hemisphere we believe that a holistic approach contributes to your overall health. We strive to open your mind to a healthier way of being and living.

Who will help me ?

Amber is a qualified Gestalt Psychotherapist. She is a member of BACP, accredited by the GPTI and a warranted therapist in Malta. 

How much does it cost ?

We have kept our rate to what we consider a reasonable fee of £50 per session. 

How will I pay for my session ?

You can either pay via bank transfer or Revolut. 

Is online therapy better than face to face ?

Both online therapy and face to face offer the individual the support that they need. There are benefits to both. Online therapy brings therapy to you wherever you are. There are no travel costs, no sitting around in waiting rooms.

How is my privacy protected ?

We use a platform that is HEPA protected which means that there is no chance of hacking or breaching of your confidentiality in any way. 

How do I know if I need a therapist ?

You don’t have to have an issue to need the support of a therapist, some individuals would just like to get to know and understand themselves better and that is ok too. If you’re unsure about trying therapy then why not have a session, there is no commitment. You can experience it for yourself and then decide whether it’s something that would benefit you or not.

What happens in a therapy session ?

It is a very organic process that is created between the therapist and the client. It is like having a conversation with somehow who also has theory to back up the topics discussed.

How long should I expect therapy to go on for ?

That depends on what you would like to work one. Some issues can take years to heal, others can be dealt with in 10 sessions.

How often do I have a therapy session ?

Usually the therapy sessions start on a weekly basis, this helps build the therapeutic relationship and makes the support consistent. If after a number of sessions you feel that you don’t need therapy as often then you can extend it to every two weeks or three. Usually you and your therapist will both agree the best way forward for you.

Will my therapy session be confidential ?

Therapists are bound by confidentiality which means that the therapy sessions are confidential. Confidentiality will only be broken if the therapist thinks that you will be a harm to yourself, to others or that you are in harms way. Any child abuse or neglect is also grounds for breaking confidentiality.

Is my therapist qualified /warranted  ?

Yes, your therapist is a qualified Gestalt Psychotherapist (M.A.), she is both a member of the UKCP, GPTI and warranted in Malta.

What happens if I don’t like my therapist ?

That’s ok and it can happen, it’s important that you feel comfortable and trust your therapist. If you feel you haven’t clicked then it’s worth looking for another therapist.

I only want one session – will I be able to get help ?

The first session in therapy is more of an introduction between the therapist and the client. It is a chance for the therapist to listen to what the clients needs are and what they would like to work on. One session will not ‘fix’ a problem. The therapist provides the tools to the client to be able to help themselves, this is done over time and through a trusting relationship between the two. 

Can I have more than one session in a week ?

It is recommended to have at least a week between therapy sessions. This is to enable you to process and work on what is discussed in the session. The aim of therapy is not to make the client dependent upon it but to foster their own skills to be able to self support. Having more than one session a week will be counterproductive. 

Does my gp need to refer me for an appointment ?

No you do not need a referral in order to access therapy.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist ?

The main difference is that a therapist works therapeutically whereas a psychiatrist can make a diagnosis and prescribed medication. Very often the two work hand in hand.

Can a therapist prescribe medication ?

No therapists can’t prescribe medication unless they are also a licensed Doctor or psychiatrist.

Can my psychiatrist refer me to the therapist and vice versa ?

Yes, referrals are often made between psychiatrists and therapists if one feels that their client would benefit from the support of the other.

Can I use my health insurance to cover the cost of my therapy ?

Yes you can. You need to check with your insurance as to whether you are covered, sometimes they require a referral from a GP. 

What hours are therapists available ?

Therapists usually work during normal working hours however they also work some evenings too.

I need to change my next appointment, how do I do that ?

Please send us an email with ‘change of appointment’ in the subject line. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

Why do I have to pay for my missed session ?

We realise that often life can throw curve balls at us and something will crop up that is beyond our control so we do take that into consideration. However, should you miss two consecutive sessions without a valid reason and ample time we will have to charge you for that session.  

What if I have a complaint ?

Please do let us know as soon as possible if you have a complaint so that we can look into it and find a solution.

I have some more questions that haven’t been answered here, what do I do?

We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, please feel free to email us on amber.knights@icloud.com and we will answer your questions as soon as possible.