Over the course of the last few months our lives have changed dramatically on a global level. Nobody has been untouched by the impact of Covid-19. Of particular concern is the rise in mental health issues, I think we have only touched the tip of the iceberg, and we are currently navigating through the calm before the storm. 

Whilst dealing with my own shift in day to day life, the most pressing issue being the lack of contact with individuals other than my immediate family. This was the catalyst for my creative cogs to engage in a new idea. We have all had to take stock of our lives, reflecting on what is important to us and what is not. 2020 has been an eye opener to what has been staring us in the face for a long time. We can no longer live the way we were living in all manners of the word, it’s not sustainable. Now is the time to grab the bull by the horns and take responsibility for ourselves and our actions as this is the only control that we have. 

And so Hemisphere life was born. It started with a plan to make therapy accessible, however, as I started to create, I realised that I wanted to develop a platform that offered a place to learn and grow. A holistic space that not only provides you with psychological support but fosters an understanding that life is what we make it, we can all choose to stay as we are or we can open our minds and souls to the greater good. 

Hemisphere life is here to ignite that curiosity, open up possibilities and ways to tune yourselves to a way of life that is rewarding to you.