We are currently all having to weather a storm of unpredictable turbulence, navigating our way through unchartered waters that can be both anxiety provoking and frightening. Rising stress is inevitable, even for individuals who tend to be calm and collected. Those that have not had first hand experience of Covid-19 will, nonetheless, be suffering in other ways, that, unfortunately is guaranteed. 

Whilst there is the dark side of Covid-19 that is very much a reality for thousands, I have been really touched by the collective spirit of people. Creativity is flourishing, aspects of ourselves that have long been buried are swiftly making a grand entrance once again. We are becoming unstuck from our fast paced lives, forced to slow down, having the time to take a look at ourselves and start to appreciate the smaller things in life, or just life itself. 

Those that are wisely following government directives on self isolation or social distancing, will also be acclimatising to this new way of life. We are social creatures through and through and suddenly that has been taken away from us with immediate effect. So whilst we talk about self isolation I also want to shed light on self care. Whilst we are making choices to look after our bodies and preventing this virus from spreading further it is also wise to focus our attention to supporting our minds. The mind body connection is of utmost importance as what affects will inadvertently affect the other. So whilst self isolation is paramount in dealing with this crisis, psychological isolation is not. There are many people who suffer on a daily basis and this crisis will further amplify their struggles, there will also be people who will be experiencing this for the first time. Jobs are being lost, people are dying, uncertainty is rife, I don’t think any of us can say that we will not be affected by Covid-19 in one way or another. 

I am lucky that I have been able to move my work online and I am continuing to support my clients remotely. It is for this reason that I want to lend a hand to those who may be suffering unexpectedly and are unable to access psychological support. I am offering 5 therapy sessions a week for free, one per individual,  for anybody that is in of need psychological support and would like to first experience online therapy and see if it works for them. 

To book a slot please visit: https://calendly.com/amberknights/onlinetherapy

Amber Knights

Author Amber Knights

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